Rabbi Shaya Deitsch                                
Rabbi & Executive Director
[email protected]
215.591.9310 x322

Devorah Deitsch 
Chabad Garden School 
[email protected]
215.591.9310 x316

Rabbi Sholom Loebenstein 
Rabbi & Director
Chabad Hebrew School
[email protected]
215.591.9310 x323 

Liba Loebenstein 
Chabad Hebrew School
Youth and Teens
[email protected]
215.591.9310 x323 

Rabbi Hillel Sperlin 
Assistant Rabbi 
[email protected]
215.591.9310 X317

Chaya Sperlin 
Director of Marketing
[email protected]
215.591.9310  X317

Mirel Deitsch 
Events Coordinator 
[email protected]

David Moses 
Shul Gabbai
[email protected]

Stefani Ravitz  
CGS Administrator 
[email protected]
215.591.9310 x318

Beth DiFrangia 
Office Manager & Accounting 
[email protected]
215.591.9310 x315

Margie Shultz  
CGS Assistant Director
[email protected]
215.591.9310 X321